

Verification is a review process that a school must use to confirm that data reported 在 Free Application for 联邦学生资助 is accurate for those students selected by the U.S. 教育部.  的 school has the authority to contact the student for documentation that supports income and other information reported 在 FAFSA.

注意: If a student is selected for Verification, that student should not make any additional corrections to the FAFSA unless specifically advised by the UAFS 金融援助 Office.  If a student makes an unauthorized correcti在mselves, this could cause delays 在验证过程中.



菲律宾十大网赌网站 (UAFS) partners with ProVerify to process 验证.  If your FAFSA application is selected for 验证 by the U.年代的部门 of Education you will receive an introductory email at your UAFS email address. 

Below is additional information concerning the Verification process at UAFS.

Once a student (and parent, if dependent) has signed and submitted the Free Application for 联邦学生资助 (FAFSA) using their FSA ID, the student will be notified immediately if they have been selected for Verification 学生资助报告(SAR).  It can take an additional 5-7 business days for the UAFS 金融援助 Office to receive the completed FAFSA.

When the UAFS 金融援助 Office receives a FAFSA that has been selected for Verification 步骤如下:

步骤1—的 student will be notified of the required documentation via their UAFS email 账户.  的 requirements will also be viewable in the student’s My.UAFS 账户.

步骤2—的 student will receive an introductory email at their UAFS email address explaining how to use the ProVerify system to complete their required documents for Verification.

步骤3— 的 link in the introductory communication will invite you to access the ProVerify 系统并做到以下几点: 

  • 确认 你的身份 (认证).
  • 创建 安全的密码
  • 访问 your Documents and 开始 the 验证 process (this includes the completion of online forms). 

步骤4— Upon receipt of all required documents, the automated 验证 process will 开始. Students will be notified via email or text if there are any questions or if any additional documentation is required.

步骤5— Once 验证 has been completed the UAFS 金融援助 Office will complete the awarding process and send you an award notification. 

In addition, you can monitor the status of your financial aid by logging into your My.UAFS帐户.


Any necessary corrections to financial information or household size will be made by the UAFS 金融援助 Office through the Verification process.

Any necessary corrections to student demographic information, dependency questions, or parent personal or marital information will be expected to be made by the student 和/或父.

Any corrections made to the FAFSA may take an additional 5-7 business days to be processed and returned to UAFS, if our federal school code (001110)在FAFSA上.

If you cannot answer “Yes” to the FAFSA dependency questions and are therefore required to include your parent information; however, due to extenuating circumstances such as abuse or abandonment you cannot or should not have contact with your parent you may complete a Dependency Appeal Form and the Independent Verification Worksheet.  If your dependency appeal is approved, the UAFS 金融援助 Office may use Professional Judgment to override your dependency status for FAFSA purposes.  这需要 additional action each year the student is seeking aid at UAFS.  你必须和 a 金融援助 Advisor to request the Dependency Appeal Form.


If your family’s financial situation has changed since you completed your FAFSA such as parent losing a job due to business closure or layoff, or a parent has become deceased, or your parents have divorced/separated, you may complete a Special Circumstance Appeal 和验证工作表.  If the appeal is approved, the UAFS 金融援助 Office may use Professional Judgment to adjust the finances reported 在 FAFSA to re-evaluate your financial aid eligibility.  你必须获得经济援助 Advisor to request the Special Circumstance Appeal Form.

注意: If you choose to pursue a Dependency Appeal or a Special Circumstance Appeal, you must first complete the Verification process.  This will include completing the appropriate Verification Worksheet and providing additional financial information.  参见 在适当的表格上.  这可能会延迟你的经济援助奖励.